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Pension Fund

Summary Plan Description

Summary Plan Description

The purpose of this booklet is to provide a summary of the provisions and benefits of the Metal Trades Branch Pension Plan. This booklet summarizes the benefits in existence as of June, 2012. The provisions of the Plan document govern the payment of all benefits and the full Plan document should be consulted before taking any action. In case of any conflict between the Plan and this Summary Plan Description, the terms of the Plan document will control. A copy of the Plan document is available for your inspection and copying at the Fund Office.

To All Participants in the Metal Trades Branch Local 638 Pension Plan

The Metal Trades Branch Local 638 Pension Plan has been designed to contribute to your financial security when your working career is completed. The Plan offers a range of payment options to give you and your spouse flexibility in choosing the pension option that best suits your needs.

If you have any questions that are not answered in this booklet, please contact the Fund Office for more information.

Metal Trades Pension Fund Summary Plan Description